Common ground
Common sense
Common stock
Common sense?
common factor
common denominator
like a common criminal
common law husband/wife
a common occurrence
common knowledge
common practice
for the common good
a common cause
nothing in common
common theme
common thread
common problem
Chat with our AI personalities
pig out put out
diamond in the rough
"at school taking a test"
Cut it out!Who cut the cheese?
Worry wart Why worry? No worries!
"Class, turn to page <number here> in your textbook."
not just another pretty faceThat must have cost a pretty penny.sitting pretty
connect the dotsconnecting flightsthere's a disconnect between . . .a failure to connectto connect with someone
grand slam. grand scheme of things. grand total. 1 grand
One common phrase I know using the word house is "a house is a house is a house is a house..."This one is on the house. (meaning free of charge)goin' to the big house (prison)