Mind your language
Here's two: AbstEmIOUs fAcEtIOUs two more anyone?
The name for the ' symbol used to show possession in English is an apostrophe.
Interjections are used to show emotions.
Yes You are right, English language is the hurdle for Pakistani students to show their skills. But is it right to get rid of English language in our institutions or there is some other solutions for remedy. English language is an international language and almost 100 % technology books in Pakistan are in English language. So we cannot get away with it. What we need is to train a huge number of English language teachers so that they can teach English to the students. Today in Pakistan , the teaching standard of English language is very low.Do visit my website for career planning in Pakistan http://www.mycareer.edu.pk
In America and English speaking countries it English. In Germany its German. ect.
Not really sure what you are asking, most Latin countries have English language theatres that show English movies or they have regular theatres that show English movies with Spanish subtitles ( I know Spain, Mexico, and Puerto Rico do) There are also theatres in the United States geared towards a Spanish audience that only show Spanish Language movies.
Latin and Greek are the most common sources of prefixes and roots in English words. Many scientific and technical terms have roots that come from Greek or Latin, while common English prefixes like "re-" and "un-" have Latin origins. Additionally, French and Spanish are languages that have also influenced English vocabulary with their prefixes and roots.
English is predominantly spoken on the TV show "The 100," with occasional instances where other languages, such as Trigedasleng, a fictional language created for the show, are used.
Learn Latin-seriously-English grammar system is based on the Latin system, it will show you how to describe and use English more effectivly. Many English words are derived from Latin, so you will be able to use English words more accuratly with a better grasp of their meaning. Some things that are in the English language that aren't discussed in public schools that are taught in the first year of Latin Deponents Gerunds the Imperfect tense Subjunctive clauses the list goes on...;
Yes, the language used is slang and informal. There are also americanisms - where the words are spelt differently from the English versions. The informal language is to show the urban location of the poem, and the simple life of the Garbage Men.
Go get the A volume of the Oxford English Dictionary.