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One syllable words beginning with S: * sea * see * saw * soy * sew * so * sour * shoe * screw * shall * shell * smell * smirk * snip * slap * slime * slum * slap * scope * shame * slave * slow * son * sung * slit * short * scort * skirt * shape * slug * slam * slim * sled * sword * suit * sod * six * stack * salt * sank * said * sake * seek * seed * seem * seen * scream * scratch * switch * slouch * soon * sign * slim * slam * she * should * stay * snake * smack * sun * son * sale * same * sum * sand * silk * soar * sore * swing * swan * slip * sip * sat * sin * song * sing * sack * sock * save * stun * stem * stiff * staff * stuff * safe * stab * slab * snap * smug * Swiss * sass * sweet * sweep * sweat * swell * style * smile * shove * shine * shock * shake * shut * shot * sap * sub * sell * sill * send * sulk * show

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15y ago
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16y ago

attack. aford, approach, aspire, aspect, apart etc....

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15y ago

I think you mean a one syllable word????

at, am,

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A strong syllable is a stressed syllable. This syllable is more prominent and stronger than the others, and are often found in multi-syllable words.

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How do you divide word mysterious into syllables?

The above in phonetic notation (using - for syllable division) is [mə-stɪɹ-i-əs]. There is another possibility, which is [mɪs-tʰɪɹ-i-əs], with [s] at the end of the first syllable causing the first vowel to be slightly different, and with t now at the beginning of its syllable aspirated (with a puff of air after it), since t must always be aspirated at the beginning of a syllable in English.

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