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use robin's helicopter to shoot a rope at the scarecrows plane then onece done emedietley switch to batman and shoot a bat bomb at scarecrow.

do the whole thing 3 times and you will have completed the level.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Scarecrow will be unlocked and available in free play after you complete the third mission in the third villain episode: The Joker's Masterpiece. Alternately, you can enter the cheat code, see related questions below.

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15y ago

EDIT: Wait...this question wasn't for Arkham Asylum, was it? Oops. My fault for not reading the question and category right...but I hope this helps if you DO play Arkham Asylum!

Well...bad news, you face Scarecrow multiple times. Good news, however, is that it really isn't a boss "fight," per se.

When you face Scarecrow, don't let him see you. EVER. Just move around the platforms (counterclockwise works best), and detonate any walls that block you. Use the bat signal once you're reached your destination.

Best of luck with winning!

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12y ago

All i need to no about is how to burn out the fire.

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11y ago

Wait until the hearts are red, then get out of the pumpkin, after use the batman boomerang.

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12y ago

Enter ccb199

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Q: How do you unlock Scarecrow in LEGO Batman?
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What is the cheat code to unlock scarecrow in Lego batman for psp?

up down start select square left right circle

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complete the joker reterns

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very carefully...

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no there is not

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the shiel of death

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you cant found him on the city, its a minikit

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you have to have the code

How do you unlock the joker for Lego batman xbox360?

Figure it out.

Can you unlock Spider-Man in LEGO Batman?

No, it was cool to unlock Indiana Jones in Lego Star Wars, but you can't unlock Spiderman in Lego Batman. Star Wars and Indiana Jones are both Lucas properties, but Batman belongs to DC Comics and Spiderman belongs to Marvel Comics.

How do you unlock the secret charactars in LEGO batman?

go to the web site ign and type in lego batman then go to cheats