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As thick as a brick (stupid/brainless)

Built like a brick sh*t house. (strong/solid)

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Q: A simile using the word thick?
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Related questions

Using the word simile in a sentence?

A simile is a type of figurative language.

Simile what simile can you use for custard was as thick as?

You could use the sentence, 'The custard was thick as mud.'

Is a toy soldier a metaphor a simile hyperbole or personification?

it is a simile because it it using the word 'like'

When two things are compared using the word 'like' or 'as'?

It is a simile

The comparison of unlike things using word like of as?


How do you spell symilie?

The correct spelling is simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as".

Is simile an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb. The word simile is a noun, a literary device that compares attributes using the words 'as" or "like."

Is this a metaphor I'm as hungry as a bear?

No, this is an example of a simile. It is comparing your level of hunger to that of a bear using "as" to draw the comparison.

What is a simile for associated?

A simile is a figure of speech comparing to unlike things using the word like or as. That being said there is no set simile for associated. Are you trying to ask about a synonym?

Is as rough as the barnacles a simile?

Yes, "as rough as the barnacles" is a simile. It compares the roughness of something to the rough texture of barnacles using the word "as."

The breeze was as warm as a blanket is that a simile or a metaphor?

That is a simile because it is comparing the warmth of the breeze to the warmth of a blanket using the word "as."

Simile using a word that begins with a x?

x like an x ray