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There are a few theories. One is that pockets of natural gas will occassionally unlodge themselves and suck ships down. Another is that it has its own magnetic field which is also highly unlikely. The myth most likely stems from some form of an ancient legend such as a sea monster dwelling in the area that sank ships. The only reason the Triangle seems to have so many dissapearing ships is because if a ship sinks in it it will get much much more publicity than a ship sinking oh say off the coast of Japan.


Most likely, the same reason they sink anywhere else. Bad weather, structural failure, on-board explosions or fires... that sort of thing. None of these is more likely to happen in the Triangle. In fact, the Bermuda Triangle is a manufactured mystery. Given the weather and amount of traffic, it is no more dangerous than anywhere else. Reporters have a tendency to misstate how bad off the weather is during vanishings. They'll say the weather was calm during a bad storm, if it makes the vanishing more mysterious. If you really want to know what is going on, get Larry Kusche's book "The Bermuda Triangle Mystery- Solved".

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13y ago
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12y ago

boats sink in the Bermuda triangle because there is a wormhole there that causes it to sink 5 miles in. And they end up some where in antartica or japan. although many people do live and tell their story.

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10y ago

ships sank in The Bermuda Triangle because the cracks in the sea floor lets out a gas that sinks the ship. The gas reacts with the ships bouncy making the ship sink. Millions of ships have sank there. Planes have disappeared there too. but that's a different story.


Well, not exactly. First off, there are no more "cracks in the sea floor" in the Bermuda Triangle than there are anywhere else in the world. So the idea that somehow gas escapes and reacts with "bouncy", whatever that is (did you mean 'buoyancy' ?) is ludicrous. The reason ships sink in the Bermuda Triangle is the same reason they sink anywhere - they get full of water. NOW, the real reason the Bermuda Triangle gets so much press is that 1) There are a LOT of ships plying this particular piece of ocean, more so than in other, less crowded parts of the planet's seas and oceans. 2) The weather in this area can turn freakin' ugly very quickly, because of equatorial currents and other meteorological functions, and finally, 3) if a ship disappears in the B/T, it tends to make more news than if it sinks out in the middle of the Indian ocean. But on average, just as many ships sink out there, or in the middle of the Pacific, as do anywhere else. It's like firing a pistol in the middle of Times Square, versus in the middle of Nebraska. Same number of pistol shots, but a hell of a lot more people are aware of the one in NYC. Get it?

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13y ago

Electromagnetic field are found in the Bermuda triangle which makes machines from aircraft or ships goes malfunctioned which can cause to crash land or explode so that's why people can't found any ships or planes. Planes might have crashed landed somewhere outside of the Bermuda Triangle. Though some people think that vortexes sink ships in and take them somewhere, there also might be sea tornados which might suck in planes from the wind. This might explain the disappear of ships or planes.

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12y ago

There have been many theories but statistics have proven no more disappear there than anywhere else around the globe. It was hype for the best selling book when aliens were a hot phenomenon. Project Bluebook was on the air at the time, Chariots of the Gods was out and still hot, and in search of was also on. All espousing aliens. Betty and Barney Hill were also hot news with their "abduction" later proved a big hoax.

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13y ago

Because sea monsters gaurd the triangle and they suck the ships and planes in case of trouble

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12y ago

Because of its magnetic attraction.

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4y ago

Nobody knows the real answer to that. Some people think that there are cracks on the bottom of the ocean floor while others think there is a wormhole. Let me tell you though. The wormhole is false. NOBODY has lived to tell the tale of surviving a sunken ship in the Bermuda triangle.

I personally think that the ships sink because of the bad weather. The reason I am saying this is because it is in the region of the equator. So the weather can turn freaky super fast. I am talking like 15 meters (49 ft.) tall. So it will knock the ship over or it will fill it with water so it sinks. But the same thing is for planes. The weather gets so bad that the pilot won't be able to see clearly, gets cut off of all connection with the outside world, navigation turns off and so does the power. Hence causing it to sink.

Thank you for reading have a great day. :)

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Because there are magnetic forces that pull down anything over the surface of the bermuda triangle. -Tristin Anduze

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How do you prevent the disappearance in Bermuda triangle?

The answer that the first person gave to this question was foolish. There no way to prevent being sucked in the Bermuda triangle because the pressure is so high that even planes sink.