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An independent Sudan was seen as a potential threat to British dominance in Egypt. French expansion in Africa by 1896 also threatened to extend to the upper Nile, so the British decided to get there first. And Sudan offered a means to connect British-controlled lands to the north and southeast.

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12y ago

Why not? For power, for wealth, to prevent the spread of their rivals in Asia, africa, and the americas. To gain new areas for the export of british textiles and industrial goods, to provide new areas for british merchants to attain exotic goods, to create new naval bases, since ships couldnt sit out at sea indefinitely, even if they were fully stocked with food and water, they needed to come into dock for repairs frequently. The british maintained their strength in Europe by having the strongest navy. With a strong navy, the whole world becomes open to expansion.

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12y ago

the two main reasons britain wanted an overseas empire were for money and power. they imported sugar from the west indies, furs and tobacco from North America, and tea from India. The british merchants were able to trade and make money. The british wanted to stop the growth of the French empire, one of the reasons being, that they didnt want to be taken over by the french. Also, the British made money by demanding every part of its empire tat everything must be done through british ships, giving them even more power. One place that Britain did not really use for the money was Australia. The British used Australia as a place to send their convicts during that time, and later developed as part of the British empire from 1788 to 1901, when it gained its independence.


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16y ago

Because the Germans conquered Bitain

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15y ago

Why did Britain take over so many countries?

Sea Power


Strategic Reasons

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15y ago

they went around the world sailing in a ship and found countries. also they gaines them by battles and wars.(:

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Because the are British

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