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Rivers often flood every spring or summer each year, causing damage to houses and yards. You can drown in the river if the river is wide and deep enough, even if you are one of the best swimmers. Most rivers will get over 8 ft deep to even a few hundreds of feet. There have been reports from fishermen about carnivorous fish, water snakes, and even alligators being found in rivers. The bacteria and some water plants from a river can get you sick when you swim in. Large rapids in rivers can get you wet easily and possibly trip you down on the river.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago



Even slow, placid flowing rivers can be deceiving. Beneath the surface fast flowing currents of very cold water could catch out the unwary. A tree trunk flowing down stream could easily crash in to a swimmer. Unseen tangled tree roots also pose a danger. Often the current flowing along on one bank is a lot faster than the current flowing along the other bank, especially on a bend in the river.

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Q: Why are rivers dangerous?
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the dangers caused by the rivers and monsoon presented to the people of India are as follows:- 1) due to rivers and monsoon floods are caused which harms the life and the property of people 2) due to excessive and unseasonal monsoon the crops are destroyed 3) rivers occur a large part of land on earth where human civilization can be settled 4) due to monsoons the everyday rutien of the people is adversly affected 5) in rivers many dangerous organism live which ae dangerous for our life.

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People can go swimming in a river and drown. Rivers sometimes flood, which can also cause drowning, or property damage. Rivers can carry certain types of diseases, such as cholera (particularly if people are discharging untreated sewage into those rivers).

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the dangers caused by the rivers and monsoon presented to the people of India are as follows:- 1) due to rivers and monsoon floods are caused which harms the life and the property of people 2) due to excessive and unseasonal monsoon the crops are destroyed 3) rivers occur a large part of land on earth where human civilization can be settled 4) due to monsoons the everyday rutien of the people is adversly affected 5) in rivers many dangerous organism live which ae dangerous for our life.

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Are there dangerous animals in the amur river?

Well obviously they will be some dangerous animals on the river...Because there are in most river's example in some Rivers there are Hippos, Crocodiles, Snakes but that wont necessarily be the case in this river.