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because then they have their source of water :)

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Q: Who would a civilization choose to live near a river that regularly floods?
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Why would a civilization choose to near a river that regulary floods?

Water, irrigation, fertility of soil. All the earliest civilizations started there.

Why would a civilization choose to live near a river that regularly floods?

The alluvial silt that covers the land during flooding increases its fertility. This is in addition to the ready supply of fresh water required for any large societal group.

Why would a civilizaton choose to live near a river that regularly floods?

rivers leave fertile soil along their banks after floods

Why would a civilization chooses to live near a river that regularly floods?

The alluvial silt that covers the land during flooding increases its fertility. This is in addition to the ready supply of fresh water required for any large societal group.

What contributed the most to the most decline of the Indus River valley civilization?

Tectonic shifts caused a major river, the Sarasvati/Ghaggar river, to dry up. There were also changes in the monsoon rains which caused floods followed by droughts, so that most of the people left.

What role did river nile play in the developement of the Egyptian civilization?

The Nile River was a crucial element in the development of ancient Egypt Civilization. This civilization depended on the annual floods of the Nile to make their lands very fertile for growing essentials like flax, papyrus, and wheat right on the banks of the river. These could in turn be traded for even more goods.

What role did the River Nile play in the development of the Egyptian civilization?

The Nile River was a crucial element in the development of ancient Egypt Civilization. This civilization depended on the annual floods of the Nile to make their lands very fertile for growing essentials like flax, papyrus, and wheat right on the banks of the river. These could in turn be traded for even more goods.

Did ancient Greece have floods?

Greece was the only major civilization that didn't have a major river. Greeks built their city-states on the shores because of this.

What will happen if a river floods?

When ca river floods it will create a big flood and stuff

What river floods the most in the us?

the hudson river, and every year, it floods Maine. :P

What river ways did the Brisbane floods affect?

The Brisbane floods of 1974 affected the Brisbane River and the Bremer River basin.

What contruted the most to the decline of the indus river valley civilization?

While the Indus River itself provided water for drinking, agriculture and boats shipping freight, it was the people of the Indus Valley who made use of the river and the land to their benefit.