Clay is heavier than sand since its density and its moisture content cause it to be heavier.
Gravel is typically heavier than sand, and therefore gravel would be heavier than both clay and sand. This is because gravel consists of larger-sized particles and has a higher density compared to clay and sand.
First, the lightest soil component is clay. The, there's sand then humus then finally gravel.
That would depend on the components of the soil, i.e. clay would be heavier than sand.
Clay is soft and sand is like sand water
Yes if the sand is on the clay it can roll even if the sand was not on the clay.The clay can still roll.
Clay is generally heavier than silt because clay particles are smaller and more densely packed together, resulting in a higher density. Silt particles are larger and less dense, making them lighter than clay particles.
yes sand is heavier than water:)
Swamp + sand = clay it is really... Mud+sand = clay
sand because, sand ranges in size from .2 cm in diameter to .006 cm in diameter and clay's largest diameter is .0004 cm in diameter.