A lagoon is a body of water surrounded by land, sort of like a bay. They are much smaller than oceans.
Ivanoff Bay, Illiamna, Izembek Lagoon, Ikatan Bay, Inanudak Bay, Ikpek Lagoon, Imikruk Lagoon, Icy Bay
the letters are spelled diferent
No, a lagoon is a type of bay, which is connected to the ocean.
Biscayne Bay is a lagoon that is located on the Atlantic Coast of South Florida. The lagoon is divided into 3 parts, namely Central Bay, South Bay and North bay.
The difference between coral and sea fans are Coral forms a barrier between a lagoon and the open sea. Sea fans adorn the landscape.
Hudson bay is salt water.
you're ugly
Blacky Sheepy lagoon (named in 1889) named by John Sheepy