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Ridges and Rises are uplifts in oceanic crust caused by volcanic eruption in oceans, the difference between a ridge and a rise is of rift valleys, ridges have long valleys and rises do not have any valleys

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Q: What is difference between ocean ridges and rises?
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What kinds of rocks are associated with ocean ridges?

Basalt rocks are commonly associated with ocean ridges due to the process of seafloor spreading where magma rises to the surface, cools, and solidifies. These basaltic rocks form the oceanic crust along the ridges.

Ocean ridges are formed by what boundaries?

Divergent boundaries form ocean ridges.

Why do oceanic rises and oceanic ridges exist?

Oceanic rises and ridges exist due to seafloor spreading, a process where magma rises up from the mantle to create new oceanic crust at mid-ocean ridges. As the new crust forms, it pushes the existing crust aside, leading to the creation of oceanic rises and ridges. These features are important parts of plate tectonics and play a key role in the movement of Earth's lithospheric plates.

What is called when new crust forms where magma rises at mid ocean ridges?

sea floor spreading

What is the definition of mid ocean ridges?

Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges formed by tectonic plates moving apart and magma rising to create new oceanic crust. These ridges are typically characterized by volcanic activity and the presence of hydrothermal vents, which support unique ecosystems.

Where does seafloor spreading take place?

Mid-Ocean ridges.

Mid ocean ridges are actually underwater mountain ranges?

Yes, mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges that form where tectonic plates are spreading apart. Magma rises up to fill the gap between the plates, creating new oceanic crust. This process contributes to the overall process of seafloor spreading.

What is located in midocean ridges?

At mid-ocean ridges, tectonic plates are moving apart, creating new oceanic crust through volcanic activity. This results in the formation of underwater mountain chains and hydrothermal vents, which support unique ecosystems due to the high temperatures and mineral-rich waters.

Where are mid ocean ridges?

They are found at a plate boundary. When two plates move apart (divergent) magma rises through the gap.

Mid-Ocean ridges are found where?

They are found at a plate boundary. When two plates move apart (divergent) magma rises through the gap.

What formed ocean crust?

Ocean crust is formed through a process called seafloor spreading, where magma rises up at mid-ocean ridges, cools, and solidifies to create new crust. This process is part of plate tectonics, where oceanic plates move away from each other, allowing new crust to form at the ridges.

Why are there volcanoes at mid ocean ridges?

Mid-ocean ridges and seamount relates to volcanoes by both having lava and it also comes out and cools