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The gravity of the Sun and the Moon causes tides. Waves are caused by the wind. Currents have a variety of causes, but differential heating of different parts of the Earth by the Sun, modified by the coriolis effect of the turning Earth is the main one.

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The gravity of the Moon and the Sun.

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Q: What causes tides but not waves and currents?
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Related questions

What are three main motions of the ocean?

Currents, tides, & waves.

What is the cause of waves currents and tides?

the wind and shifting of the earth.

What kind of scientist measures tides currents and waves?

An oceanographer is the type of scientist who measures tides, currents, and waves. They study the physical and biological aspects of the ocean, including its movements and dynamics. Oceanographers use various tools and technologies to collect data on tides, currents, and waves to better understand and predict the behavior of the ocean.

Is the heavy waves caused by a hurricane called rip tides?

No, rip tides are not caused by heavy waves from hurricanes. Rip tides, also known as rip currents, are swift, narrow currents flowing away from the shore. They are typically caused by complex interactions between waves, currents, and geography, and can be dangerous for swimmers and surfers.

Is it true that waves tides and currents are responsible for erosion of islands?


What are four kinds of motion in the ocean?

Waves, whirlpools, tides, and currents.

What is the three basic motions of ocean water?

The three ways the ocean moves in are currents, tides, and waves. I figured this out while I was doing homework. Maybe it does help you learn. :)

What is directly related to deep ocean current?

Movement of the ocean, or tides are directly related to deep ocean currents. Deep ocean currents are also responsible for the wind that causes the waves to crash into the shore.

What are horizontal movements of water?

Currents, tides, and waves are horizontal water movements.

What is the study of tides and ocean currents called?

The study of tides, waves, currents and the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere is a part of physical oceanogrpahy. Physical oceanographers study the physical properties of the ocean such as temperature, density, salinity, circulation, currents and tides.

Are the heavy waves that are caused by hurricanes called rip tides?

Hurricanes do produce rip tides, but rip tides are not waves. They are strong currents near the shore that take water and anyone caught in them out to sea.

How does the moon create waves?

The moon's gravitational pull creates ocean tides, which in turn generate waves. When the Earth rotates, the tides move around the planet, causing water to rise and fall in a cyclical pattern that leads to the formation of waves.