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Science and technology can cure your diseases, provide shelter and food for crowds of people, enable the creation of large cities to allow collaboration in enterprises, and perhaps even more.

However an increase in mechanisation and automation has reduced the amount of work people are required to do to survive / gain nutrition. To the point where people may be almost entirely sedentary. That combined with the increase in processed high fat high calorie foods has led to problems in developed countries of obesity, Heart disease and related problems.

Military technology makes it quicker and more efficient to kill people than ever before, which directly gives a shorter lifespan.

The indirect consequences of military technology are less clear -- it may be that people using the military technology to better defend themselves may live longer than they otherwise would have, and over the long term the threat of extinction from superweapons may cause nations to go to war much less often than in the times of the Caesar.

It may also be worth considering the fact that a lot of the improvements in technology and medicine are ultimately derived from the vast R+D budgets applied to the design of military equipment or through the medical treatment of those people injured during war.

Some broad examples include the development of plastic / reconstructive surgery to treat disfigured soldiers who had been injured in World War one. More recent examples include the development of new dressings which are much better at stemming blood loss and were introduced into service by the British Army in 2006 during the Afghan conflict and greatly reduce the risk of soldiers dying on the battlefield from blood loss before they reach medical facilities. Other improvements in methods are detailed in the related links. Ultimately as a large number of doctors in the British Armed forces are part of the Territorial army - What in other armed forces are referred to as reserves or National guardsman, they go back to their medical jobs in British Hospitals in the NHS and what they have learned filters down into the treatment of accident victims at home away from the battlefield.

Another obvious innovation is most likely the screen your currently looking at, along ultimately with the computer technology you are using. A significant portion of the initial R&D budget for Flat panel LCD screens was provided by the military as they are significantly lighter and smaller than the CRT screens they replaced. This was of great importance as these screens form a major part of the display of information in modern combat and civilian aircraft. As the technology matured, the costs dropped and they became affordable for home use. Now the vast majority of people use a flat screen LCD monitor or television over the older CRT screens. The first digital programmable electronic computers were developed during World War two (known as the Colossus machines) to help decipher encrypted German messages and most likely helped the Allies win World War Two.

See the related links for more information.

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12y ago

The advantage of science is that we can keep evolve and find new ideas. Make new technology ( advanced, easier, and safer), medicines( live longer). One disadvantage of science is that science ruins the christian or The Bible's world. Science tries to brainwash you that Jesus and God doesn't exist by the theory of evolution. Advantage of technology is that we can do stuffs quicker, easier, safer, and have more leisure time. the disadvantage is that technology ruins earth like taking natural's resources to make these technology like plastic, oil, and iron ,and these technology end up harming the planet. Even the people ruins the planet by using technology. We try to recycle ,but that is not going to help because the air is getting worse each year and one day the temperatures will rise and end up killing humanity. Everything has disadvantage and advantage ,but without this i wound't be writing you this or even speak. we human's curiosity left us where we are ,but we need to make better choices as the time goes

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11y ago

Advantage - science

without science no growth of technology

Advantage - technology

Without technology there wont be a usage of science

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of science and technology in life span?
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some advantages owuld be the discovery/invention of electicity or cars because it makes life a lot esier and we need to use them for a variety of things in daily life, however there is disadvantages such as cost, the effect on the environment and the faults they can have.

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Disadvantages Of Science And TechnologyDisadvantages of science and technology Science and technology has also got disadvantages along its great advantages. It also includes some disastrous disadvantages which can be a great harm for us. It has such disadvantages which can destroy us and our habitat easily. Its disadvantages have ruined our life and we have become addicted to use it and the more we use it the more its disadvantages effects.Our life is in danger in big extent due to the disadvantages of science and technology. It also harms our life expectancy. Sometime the more use of it cause harmful diseases like Brain Tumer, Cancer, Nerves problem, etc. As the more use of it is done in inventions and discoveries, more its disadvantages arise and harm us. It has such disadvantages which makes its advantages too small. Our life is totally in risk due to its disadvantages.........,The other big disadvantages of science and technology are as follows:-Vibration coming from mobile phone effects our heartand brain, screen touch mobile phones can lead to finger cancer and its result can be too much dangerous for us. Science and technology has made our life too smaller. It can be proved by comparing the life ratio of our ancestors and us. Our ancestors survived for more than eighty years but now the life ratio has come down and reached to maximum of seventy years. It is one of the great disadvantages of science and technology.The disadvantages of science and technology has not only grabbed us but also has grabbed the living creatures like animals, insects, bees, etc. The vibration produced by mobile phone kills bees. Some year after end of honey bee whole human life will also finish. Animals get problem in taking breathe due to harmful gases being produced from industries and factories dependent on science and technology.From all above comments we can say that although science and technology has great advantages but all are small near its disadvantages. So, by understanding its disadvantages...

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