History's first clash of aircraft carriers occurred on the Coral Sea.
The Coral sea is a region in the Pacific Ocean. The Coral sea is one million square kilometers and is in the control of Australia. The name Coral sea is because of the high coral content.
The Coral Sea is usually characterized with a lot of tropical cyclones, rain and remarkably stable climate. The reefs have a diverse bird and crab life.
It's the coral
There are lots of coral reefs in it.
coral sea
See website: Battle of the Coral Sea
The Coral Sea
This answer is to clarify the answer that was given: There are three types of coral reefs: fringing reef, barrier reefs and coral Atolls. Sea anemone attaches itself to coral but it is not coral(predatory animal) A sea sponge is a filter feeding animal and a sea fan is soft coral but not a coral reef. sea anemone, sea sponge, sea fan (This is the answer that was given first and it is not correct)
See website-Battle of the Coral Sea
The ISBN of The Coral Sea - book - is 9780393039085.
Coral Sea Islands was created in 1969.
The difference between coral and sea fans are Coral forms a barrier between a lagoon and the open sea. Sea fans adorn the landscape.