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Q: What are examples of Sea limits extended by claiming off shore islands?
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The Philippines is an archipelago located in Southeast Asia, consisting of over 7,000 islands. Its territorial limits extend up to 12 nautical miles from its baselines under international law, with additional exclusive economic zones extending up to 200 nautical miles.

Is there a limit on claiming gifts on Farmville?

i think there is, but it is a very large limit. do not know the exact number. Exactly is 125 gifts you can get from friends walls per day. But there are also smaller limits , for each kind of gifts, that limit you for 60 minutes. For gifts via requests there are no limits .

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Information about Roth IRA income limits is available on a number of websites, some examples include Moneychimp, Wikipedia, and the Roth IRA website.

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The Galapagos Islands are part of Chile, and mostly uninhabited--they are a national park. There are towns on two of the islands whose main industry is tourism. Although not as rich as western countries, the incomes on these islands are often higher than on the mainland, and many people have moved here for that reason. The government limits immigration, because of the delicate ecological balance it is trying to maintain on the islands.

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A recent debate about nursing is whether the nurses roles should be expanded or extended. The expanded or extended roles of nursing are those duties not specifically outlined by the traditional limits of nursing. Nurses can be advanced practice nurses, such as clinical nurse specialists, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and nurse practitioners.

In which Italian city can you not drive a car?

Venice. You can drive a car within the city limits, but most of the city is on islands, and divided by waterways and sidewalks instead of streets.

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Starhub is a mobile provider in the Asian city-state of Singapore. It covers the entire metro area and about 80 percent of the extended area outside of the city limits.

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Examples of words with the suffix -less include "careless" (without care), "fearless" (without fear), "endless" (without end), and "limitless" (without limits).

Define what is meant by a limiting factor Give examples?

A limiting factor limits the development or growth of a population, an organism or process. Examples include: shortage of skilled labor and materials, limited labor hours and machine hours.

What two cities marked the northern and southern limits of Israel in Old Testament times?

The boundaries of Israel changed so much with the fortunes of war that it is not possible to give any two cities that always marked the limits of the kingdom. At times it extended north to Megiddo and even further, and extended south almost to Jerusalem. In the middle of the eighth century BCE, before the final Assyrian conquest, Israel consisted of little more than the capital city, Samaria, and its immediate surroundings.