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bonobo(also known as the Pygmy Chimpanzee) and the normal chimpanzee.

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Q: What animals are top predators in the Congo?
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What are the top 5 top predators?

Africa is known for their predatory animals. The top five predators of Africa are the hyena, African leopard, African wild dog, cheetah, and the lion.

How do sharks protect themselve from other animals?

Sharks are top predators and thus do not have other animals attacking them.

What are a Bengal tiger's predators?

Only poachers with guns.In this animal's habitat, they are the apex predators there. That means that they are the top predators in their habitat. They are not hunted by other animals.

How do animals hide from predators in the Sargasso sea?

most animals that live there are the same color as the alagae that grows on top of the water. they use their body color as a camoflouge to blend in and hide from predators.

Does a harpy eagle get eaten by other animals?

Usually not. Eagles are top predators and very rarely eaten by other animals.

Are Bengal tigers a predator?

Only poachers with guns.In this animal's habitat, they are the apex predators there. That means that they are the top predators in their habitat. They are not hunted by other animals.

Does pigs have predators?

Do* pigs have predators? yes,they are humans. all animals have predators.if the particular creature is on the top of the food chain, there is always humans. hope this helped

Why are there not a lot of top predators?

For one if there were too many top predators, the prey would be over-hunted and the top predators would starve. Another reason is that there needs to be an equal balance between the amounts of animals. Also energy decreases as it moves up the energy pyramid, therefore the top receives very little energy.

When animals eat other animals is that call a prey or predators?


What is the difference between a predator and a top predator?

Both predators and top predators consume other animals; however, a top predator may consume a regular predator. No animal consumes a top predator (there may be some exceptions, e.g. a dead top predator being eaten by a scavenger, etc.)

Does boa constrictors have preditors?

yes every animals have predators except humans because we are at the top of the food chain.

What are animals that get hunted by predators called?

Animals that get hunted by predators are called prey. Prey animals are pursued and captured for food by predators in the wild.