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The Marianas trench is caused by the subduction of the western edge of, the Pacific tectonic plate beneath the eastern edge of the smaller Mariana Plate that lies to the west. Since the Pacific plate is the largest of all the tectonic plates on Earth, crustal material at its western edge has had a long time since formation (up to 170 million years) to compact and become very dense; hence its great height-difference relative to the higher-riding Mariana Plate, at the point where the Pacific Plate crust is subducted. This, in turn, results in a particularly deep trench.

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convergence of the Pacific andPhilippine Plates.

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Where is a trench most likely to occur?

Trenches are most likely to occur at convergent plate boundaries, where tectonic plates collide and one is forced beneath the other in a process called subduction. This creates deep oceanic trenches, such as the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean, which is the deepest known trench on Earth.

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Almost all the oceans have sheer drops and rather flat areas so one isn't inherently steeper then another. however the largest and steepest drop would most likely be in the Mariana trench, more specifically the challenger deep the deepest part of the trench, it is effectively a 90 degree drop nearly 7 miles deep. This trench is located in the Pacific ocean so that would have to be my answer

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Yes, I do consider the Mariana's Trench band to be "emo". But i am jus one person and most people see emo music differently. hope this helped --xxnstarxx

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Ocean trenches form at areas of subduction.

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The deepest part of the ocean, known as the Mariana Trench, would have the most amount of pressure exerted due to the weight of the water above it. At its deepest point, the pressure can reach over 1,000 times the pressure at the surface.

What is the most deeper place in the world?

The Mariana's Trench just west of Guam in the western pacific. 7 miles deep. Two guys in a submersible went to the bottom in 1960. No one ever did it again.

Where would you most likely find a trench?

You would most likely find a trench in the ocean, specifically in areas where tectonic plates meet and one plate is being forced beneath another. Trenches can also be found on land, such as man-made trenches used in warfare or for irrigation purposes.

When was The Girl Most Likely to... created?

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Most trenches are found in the Pacific Ocean basin. This is because the Pacific Plate is the largest tectonic plate on Earth and is actively subducting beneath other plates, leading to the formation of deep ocean trenches. The Mariana Trench, the deepest trench in the world, is located in the Pacific Ocean.

When was The One Voted Most Likely to Succeed created?

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