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No. It can be one of the worst places; although there is video footage of a man with his daughter surviving as they took cover under a bridge. They survived mainly because the tornado missed the bridge. The bridge itself creates a wind tunnel effect that cause the wind to accelerate as it passes through. Additionally, bridges offer no protection from debris, which is the main killer in a tornado.

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No. The best places to hide during a tornado is the basement, hall way, bathroom, a ditch or a den. The main reason a bridge is not safe during a tornado is that it offers no protection from wind and debris, and can even create a wind tunnel causing the winds under it to move even faster.

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Q: Is it safe to hide under a bridge in a tornado?
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Is an underpass a safe place to hide during a tornado?

No. An underpass provides no protection from flying debris, the main killer in a tornado. Also the bridge itself can have a wind tunnel effect, so that the winds from the tornado actually speed up when going under it. A ditch is a better option than an overpass, but even then it is only to be used as a last resort.

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No. Bridges are not considered safe shelter from tornadoes of any intensity. In fact the winds of a tornado accelerate as they pass under a bridge. So taking shelter under one actually puts you at greater risk.

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No, a culvert is not a safe place to hide from a tornado. Culverts can easily flood during storms, trap you inside, or collapse under the force of the tornado. It is best to seek a sturdier shelter like a basement, storm cellar, or designated tornado shelter.

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Some people believe that the bridge will stop the vertical movement of air in a tornado, ignoring the fact that there is a horizontal component as well. This idea became more popular when a family and some storm chasers took shelter under a bridge and survived without harm. However, what was not immedeately apparent was that the tornado actually missed the bridge.

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Yes. A concrete basement is one of the safest places to be during a tornado.

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No, a manhole is not a safe place to hide during a tornado. Manholes are not designed to provide protection from powerful tornado-force winds and debris. It is safer to seek shelter in a sturdy building or underground storm shelter if possible.

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No, it is not safe to hide under a deck during a tornado. Decks are not typically structurally sound enough to provide adequate protection from the strong winds and debris associated with tornadoes. It is best to seek shelter in a designated safe room or basement if available.

Is it safe to hide in a ditch during a tornado?

To some degree. You should only take cover in a ditch from a tornado as a last resort if no shelter is available.

Can you hide in a highway overpass from a tornado?

No, highway overpasses are not safe shelter during a tornado. In fact, seeking shelter under an overpass can be very dangerous as it can create a wind tunnel effect and increase the risk of being hit by debris or high winds. It is safer to find a sturdy building or underground shelter to protect yourself from a tornado.

Is it unsafe to stand under the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC because it is falling apart?

Brooklyn Bridge is perfectly safe.

How do you stay safe from tornadoes?

You would want to go to an under ground celer where the tornado can't reach.

Is it true A highway overpass is a good place to hide from a tornado?

No. A highway overpass is not a safe place during a tornado at all. An overpass offers almost no protection from flying debris and can actually act as a wind tunnel, causing the wind from a tornado to speed up as it passes through.