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Q: How many vowels in the phrase she sells sea shells by the sea shore?
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In the poem She shells sea shells by the sea shore?

The poem "She shells sea shells by the sea shore" is a tongue twister that plays with alliteration and repetition. It is a fun and challenging sentence to say quickly due to its repetitive consonant sounds. The phrase showcases the poet's creativity and ability to manipulate language for a playful effect.

What is the whole nursery rhyme Susie sells sea shells...?

Susie sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore?

yes she does

Are there hardest tongue twisters?

She sells sea shells by the sea shore!

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she sells sea shells on the sea shore

What are allitrerations?

Repetition of consonant sound. For example, "sall sells sea shells on the sea shore." The consonant sound here is "s". It won't work with vowels though. They're basically just a tounge-twister.

How do you make a sentence using sea?

she sells sea shells in the sea shore

What does sally say?

Sally said she sells sea shells on sea shore

What is two tongue-twister allliterations?

she sells sea shells on the sea shore

What is an example of allerteration?

Alliteration is when a phrase or a sentence starts with the same letter or sound, such as:] Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore, or Peter Piper picks pickled peppers.

Why does Susie sells sea shells by the sea shore if the shells are on the beach?

because there is a sucker born every minute! i don't get it

What is alliteration beginning with s?

The word is "sibilance" "Shelly sells sea shells by the sea shore," and "Silly Samuel sold slippery snakes, slimy slugs, and solid stumps" are examples