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Deep water waves are long in length but short in height. As the wave moves into shallower depths it becomes shorter in length and taller in height.

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Q: How does an ocean wave change as it moves from deep water to shallow water?
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How does an ocean waves change when it reaches shallow water?

A ocean wave changes when it reaches the shallow water because it washes away the land which is not onshore.

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By xjgjykadws1jkdwhjs

What happens to a wave as it moves into shallow water?

As a wave moves into shallow water, its speed decreases while its height increases. This is because the wave encounters the ocean floor, causing the wave to drag and become compressed. Ultimately, the wave may break or collapse as it approaches the shoreline.

How both a wave's energy and the water in a wave move?

Ocean water within a wave moves in a circular motion in open water. As the wave approaches the shore, the water becomes shallow and the bottom.

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What are shallow parts of the sea or ocean called?

Shallow parts of the sea or ocean are called shoals or shallows. They are areas where the water depth is relatively shallow, making them potentially hazardous for navigation.

How does the ocean waves change when it reaches shallow water?

When ocean waves reach shallow water, their speed decreases and their height increases. This process is called wave shoaling. The wave energy is forced to compress, causing the waves to break and become steeper before crashing onto the shore.

How does the speed and wave height varies according to the depth of the ocean?

In general, as depth increases in the ocean, wave speed tends to increase due to decreased interference from the ocean floor. However, wave height tends to decrease in deeper water because the energy of the waves spreads over a larger area as it moves away from the shallow water. This means that deep water waves are typically faster but have smaller amplitudes compared to waves in shallow water.

How and why water moves in the ocean?

the wind

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Why is there more life in shallow ocean water environments?

because it is warmer