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i wouldnd have a bloody clue

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Q: How do you build a model of a canal lock school project?
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Am not telling you

How do you build a model house out of cardboard for a school project?

just fail the class its not worth it.

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you use a soda bottle then cover it with news paper

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You can also use paint and create it on your own.

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how to built bamboo house for school projects, show some modelhouse pictures.

How do you make a model of the Biltmore Estates for a school project?

Use Styrofoam to build the model of the Biltmore Estates for a school project. Use pictures of the estate to get the basic form. Hold the foam pieces together with glue or broken pieces of toothpick. Build the mansion on a foam base. After the entire model is constructed, paint and add embellishments.

How do you build a model of pit house for school project?

Maybe you should use pine straws, where I live there is a bunch of them. Or use some dirt.

How do you build a model of the element Indium for a school project?

you could get a pillow sheet and stich in buttons as the electrons and make the nucleus out of something else

You have to build a 3-D model of a car for a science project you could build it out of anything What should you build it out of and be creative?

you should make it out of paper, clay or just fail the project

How do you build a model of a kucha house for a school project?

A kutcha house is a traditional structure made of wood, hay and leaves. A model of this type of house can be made using toothpicks, straw and leaf matter.

What to use for a model city for a school project?

Lightwave or after effects :)

How do you make a model of a dodo bird for a school project?

by makeing it!!