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No. There are some parts of the scrolls that are either difficult to read or are so fragmented that it is impossible to make out what the words say. However, the vast majority of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been properly identified and translated.

The Israel Museum in Jerusalem has an interactive website where you can examine some of the more important scrolls and see their translations. There is a link below.

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Q: Have the Dead Sea Scrolls all been translated?
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Where were the Dead Sea Scrolls found?

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of 972 texts from the Hebrew Bible and extra-biblical documents found between 1947 and 1956 on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, from which they derive their name. They were specifically located at Khirbet Qumran in the British Mandate for Palestine, in what is now known as the West Bank.

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Is Nehemiah in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Esther is the only book of the Hebrew Bible not found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Because Ezra and Nehemiah used to be on one scrool and parts of Ezra were found, scholars assumed this indicated that Nehemiah was in the Dead Sea Scrolls, too. Recently, a fragment of Nehemiah has been identified as coming from among the Dead Sea Scrolls.

What were in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 11 cave chambers along the Dead Sea in large jars.

When was The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception created?

The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception was created in 1991.

What was found in caves by the dead sea?

the dead sea scrolls!!

Why were the dead sea scrolls important for bible students?

The Dead Sea scrolls are the oldest known artifact that parts of the Bible have been written on. As a bible student, studying the Bible this would be very important.

Is the Tetragrammaton used in the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Yes. The Tetragrammaton (the four consonants of God's name) are used in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Who wrote the five scrolls?

If you are talking about the Dead Sea Scrolls, there is no answer that we know of.