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How much contrast between light and dark is there?

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3y ago
*How close the camera is to the scene …apec
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1y ago

How do the various elements fit into the scope of the picture?

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Izzy Simmons

Lvl 5
2y ago

How much light is provided in the art gallery

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When analyzing a primary source, you should ask yourself all of the following questions except:

What questions should you ask when analyzing?

sorry i only know 3! 1)What does it mean to me? 2)How does it relate to the world? 3)How do you feel about it?

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When you ask questions about the speaker purpose and audience of a text you are analyzing .?

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When analyzing a drama or film, consider questions like: does the work effectively convey its intended message or theme, how well do the characters develop and engage the audience, and does the cinematography and editing enhance the storytelling. Ultimately, the key question to ask is whether the work is successful in captivating and resonating with its audience, making it worth recommending.

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One should not ask inappropriate questions on WikiAnswers.Answer:Things that are illegal, obscene, bullying, or nonsense.

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Well if you don't have any questions you should not feel you have to ask a question. It will not count against you. Generally you should ask questions that show your interest in the job, company and training.

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