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Many gases have a smell with just a few having no smell at all. The commonest are: Without a smell: Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon, Carbon dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Methane With a smell:Fluorine - harsh and biting Chlorine - harsh and biting and like bleach Ammonia - harsh and choking - Sulphur Dioxide - Harsh, acidic and biting Nitrous Oxide - rather sweet and sickly Nitrogen Dioxide - Bleachy and harsh Pure oxygen - very slightly sweet Hydrogen sulphide - like rotten eggs There are many others but these give some idea. Incidentally, the smell associated with household gas used as a fuel is actually added, as methane (which makes up most of the gas) has no smell. The addition of a smell is a safety feature so that leaks can be detected quickly.

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Q: Which gases have a smell?
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Do all gases have a smell?

No, not all gases have a distinct smell. Some gases are odorless and cannot be detected by smell alone.

How can observe gases without seeing them?

by smell

What causes gases to smell?

Gases, like natural gas smell because they have chemicals added to them. These chemicals produce an unmistakable smell that will let a person know if there is a gas leak.

How can you you observe gases without seeing them?

by smell

Are all gases visible?

No.Sometimes farts are just gas so they do not always smell.

Why does a landfill smell?

Landfills smell due to the decomposition process of organic waste, which releases gases such as methane and hydrogen sulfide. These gases create the characteristic odor associated with landfills. Covering the landfill with soil or using technology to capture and treat these gases can help reduce the smell.

Why do gases smell bad?

coz wot there made ov

Why would the inside of your smell like exhaust gases?


Does hydrogen and helium gas smell?

No. both are odourless gases.

Ways how can you take care of your nose?

don't smell harmful substances . don't smell gases used to cook .

What does it mean when your farts smell like broccoli and you have not had any recently?

Farts are composed of many different gases. There are numerous combinations of these gases that can smell like many different things. You thinking that your farts smell like one thing in particular is nothing to worry about.

Why do your farts smell so bad?

Because they contain gases such as Hydrogen Sulfide, amongst other smelly gases. Your nose can detect Hydrogen Sulfide in very small quanities. It is the same smell as rotten eggs.