Grammar of the Bengali Language (1778) by nathaniel brassey halhead.
Some of the rare and important works in this collection are: A Grammar of the Bengal Language (1778) by Nathaniel Brassey Halhed, which is the earliest printed book in Bengali, Henry Forster's A Vocabulary in Two parts, English and Bangalee (1799), William Carrey's Dialogues, Intended to Facilitate the Acquiring of the Bengali Language ( 1801), Ram Ram Basu's Raja Pratapaditya Charitra (1801), Mrityunjay Vidyalankar's Batris Simhansan (1802), Ramayanatranslated by Krittibas and published in five volumes, Mahabharat translated by Kashi Ram Das (1802), Chandicharan Munshi's Tota Itihas (1805), Jayanarayan Ghosal'sSri Karunanidhanavilasa(1814), William Carey's Dictionary of the Bengali Language, 2 volumes (1815-1825). There are 400 titles of Bengali periodicals including many rare 19th century periodicals such as Digdarshan (1818) first Bengali monthly and the first issue of Samachar Darpan (1831) -- the first Bengali weekly
The Recuyell of the histories of Troy, printed in 1475.
The first writer of a Bengali grammar book was Raja Rammohan Roy, an influential Bengali philosopher and social reformer in the 19th century. His work "A Grammar of the Bengali Language" was published in 1832.
The first book printed in the Western hemisphere was the Bay Psalm Book, which was printed in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1640.
The book WILL be printed in Greek, but the release date is not yet known.
The first book printed in the new printing press was the Bible.
The Bilbe was the first book to be printed by the printong press in puritan culture.
The Bible
the first book is printed. a bible
Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1450's and the first book to ever be printed was a Latin language bible printed in Mainz, Germany.
The first book printed in the new world was the Bay Psalm Book, printed in 1640 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was a psalter used by the Puritans for worship.
The 1st book the was published by Gutenberg printed was called Jikji. This was printed by movable types.
which missionary printed the first 5000 copies of New Testament