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Q: What does pedo means in internet slang?
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What does pedo mean in english?

In Spanish, pedo means fart. It also has other meanings depending on its use. It can be used to describe conflict between people. "Tengo pedo con el," which means, "I have beef with him." It can also be used to describe a drunk, "El esta bien pedo," which means, "He is really drunk."

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If you mean slang as in internet slang, then it means "Certified Old Fart".

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In internet slang it usually means "No strings attached."

How do you spell pedo?

The slang word pedo is used to mean "pedophile" (a deviant sexual individual).The Greek root ped-/pedo- means children (e.g. pediatrician),while the Latin ped-/pod- means foot or feet (e.g. pedestrian).Um, actually, pedo means 'fart' in spanish...

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it means, i call front.

What does tu ke pedo mean?

"Tu ke pedo" is not a commonly used phrase in Spanish. "Qué pedo" is a slang expression in Mexican Spanish that can mean "what's up" or "what's going on." It is considered informal and may be seen as offensive in some contexts.