actually they played outdoors instead of whatching what really is flashing lights.....they played all the normal outside games kids play today (well, some of them)
We also had radio back in the olden days , and phonographs. We had parties , communal pot-luck suppers, board games , card games and BOOKS !
The radio was a much bigger deal than it is now. I can remember old episodes of the 1970's TV series "The Waltons", which was about a large family living though the depression. The entire family would gather around the radio for both news and entertainment. I believe that before TV, they actually had weekly "shows", like soap operas, on the radio and people would tune in on a regular basis.
how did people managed before they have television
at least 80% of people watch an activity on TV before doing themselves.
There was the radio and people found stuff to do
They lived real lives
There was buttons on the tv box itself
Before television was invented, people went to see live theater performances (and they still do!) of plays and musicals. Then, as now, people would also attend music concerts. People also, of course, went to see silent movies and later, movies with sound.
Before video games people just had to watch TV and wish that they could change what was happening.
it's simple... watched tv ate crisps and listened to an MP3! you do know people did have a life before the iPod Or did they?!
people's houses department store on tv
The invention that had the greatest effect on the daily lives of Americans was the Television. Before the Television people had to wait for several weeks for information about the government to come to them. After the Television to be invented people could get informed faster and easier. This invention also changed the way people socialized with other people. Before the Television's invention people went out from their homes to talk to other people because they didn't had anything else to do. After the Television's invention people stayed in their rooms to watch the TV.
Technology advances in phases. Before TV there were newspapers and magazines, in which there would be fashion reporting. And before newspapers and magazines, people just had to directly observe what other people were wearing.