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Technology is often misunderstood as referring only to computers and their use both in business and practical applications at home.

However, technology is more than just that. Technology is using scientific knowledge to build our skills and improve our lives. This means that the very first time in the dim dark ages that a person decided to build a bridge over a river using a tree trunk, he was applying technology via his limited scientific knowledge to solve a problem.

Therefore, the benefits of technology are infinite. Technology enables us to solve problems and invent new ways of doing things more quickly and efficiently than before. It enables us to tap into each others' strengths and skills and use them to develop something that will benefit many, both now and into the future.
Technology, commonly noted as computerized ans is associated directly to information technology, has varieties of given benefits. These includes accessibility to almost every kind of information using the internet, control and security in terms of data management and accurate processing in terms of data manipulation and conversion. To further answer your question, you may read through this thread :

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10y ago

-saves time -more efficient -more organized -more visually stimulating by Patrina Bloomfield October 24, 2008Student of the University of the West Indies
There are many advantages of modern technology. Modern technology makes communication much easier, helps in the medical field, and reduces the time spent to do necessary things.

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13y ago

There many advantages of technology today. Technology is making it safer to do many of our day to day tasks. There are many standard safety technologies used in our automobiles and a multitude of other items that we use daily. Technology is also allowing many people in the world to easily stay connected to one another in which in the past it would be more difficult to do so.

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15y ago

Well, it has helped us in many ways and harmed us in many ways too. it has helped us by getting in contact with people and if there was an emergency we could call the ambulence. and it has harned us by hurting other people and we could get destracted and crash with other innocent people that are paying attention to the road.

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15y ago

you can ask complete strangers to do your homework for you What is the advantages to businesses of using computer systems technology>

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13y ago

Look around you. Everything around you has been associated with technology.

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13y ago

new technologies has made our life is done within tome,perfection and this a work done in hour is now done in seconds

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Lvl 6
4y ago

Well there are ups and downs.

Good things, are that it is a lot easier to get answers!

Down side, people are getting TOO lazy because of technology! (I will admite me included! 😅)

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Q: What are the advantages of modern technology?
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