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When you finish an article and get above 65% on it ,a window will pop up showing all the achievements you can earn. You can know how to earn them by reading the description of the achievement. Achievements will also give you points.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 4y ago

by getting 100% on a activity you will earn a achieve ment

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Q: What achievements are there in teenbiz3000 and how do you earn them?
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You have to earn achievements or get skulls.

How do you get the achievements?

Each level after 5.5 will allow you to earn a medal.

How do you earn more points teenbiz3000?

*take 1 poll each day *answer all questions completely *If you need to know more click on the i icon that is near your avatar

Do you have to have xbox live membership to earn achievements?

No, Achievements can be earned online or offline. If you join xbox live with the same account, the achievements get transferred to the online account.

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There are no glitches, cheats or workarounds to earn all the achievements in Halo 3 illegitimately.

How do you signup for teenbiz3000?

Your teacher at your school has to sign you up.your teacher has to get you your username and password.and you go on to teenbiz3000=) newtest3

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earn more halo achievements

How do you get the achievement 99 for achievement unlocked?

earn all other achievements