Halo is the name given for a sparse area in space that surrounds a spiral galaxy. This type of galaxy has special constellations.
The area surrounding a spiral galaxy is called it's Halo, and is a spherical region encapsulating the galaxy.
The Galactic halo is the spherical region surrounding the disk of a spiral galaxy which contains globular clusters and reddish population II stars.
Ummm... I know earth is IN a spiral galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy
A spiral galaxy.
We are in a spiral galaxy called the "Milky Way".
the spiral galaxy is very bright because of its stars, that's why our galaxy is called the milky way because it looks milky and our galaxy(the milky way) is located in one of the arms of a spiral galaxy!
A spiral galaxy called the Milky Way
A spiral galaxy called the Milky Way
Our galaxy is a spiral galaxy because it is spiral in shape.
Because of the spirals. Suggestion: Search (for example, in Google Images, or perhaps in the Wikipedia) for "spiral galaxy", to get an idea what a spiral galaxy looks like.