Hours are a measure of time, a gigabyte is a measure of storage space on a drive. The two can't be converted unless there's more to it, ie, how many hours of a certan kind of media will take up one gigabyte of hard drive space.
That is a HUGE file. Many hours 30 hours + ?
30 hours or video...
Gigabytes has no connection with time.
Gigabytes (GB) is not in any way related to time.
depends on what format you are using
well 1 gigabyte is about 1.5 hours. scince 1 terabyte is 1000 gigabytes. then it should equale about 1,500 hours
Hours and Gigabytes are not the same thing and cannot be measured together. Hours represent time that has passed by. Gigabytes represent amount of space available on a computer.
hours of what? music, movies, divx, dvd, (what compression)???? etc
a long time
An hour is an unit of time. A gigabyte is an unit of computer memory. They can not be converted
about 7000 songs and about 40 hours of video...........