if the Milky way galaxy has roughly 100 billion stars in it like scientist believe. and the odds of this happning are one in one million. when you do all the math it works out to be 10000 earths in our solar system. but that's only if there really is one earth in a million stars. its almost impossible to know for certain
the solar system
The Sun implodes, wiping out the Milky Way Galaxy.
The sun could fit over 1.3 million earths inside of it. Wow... see https://fretzreview.wikispaces.com/Milky+Way,+Universe,+Light+Years
467,200,345 earths fit in the sun
The Biggest star is called the VY Canis majoris. The sun is invisible compared to this super giant star. I researched and it said that 7 quadrillion earths can fit in the Great VY Canis Majoris. Known to be the biggest star in our galaxy.
6,000 earths
A "solar system" is what we call a star and everything gravitationally bound to that star. Estimates of the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy range from 100 billion to 400 billion, and it's thought that the formation of planets is a rather common occurrence during the formation of stars. So there is definitely enough room for 400 billion solar systems in the galaxy, and it's likely that nearly that many actually exist. And that's just in this one galaxy.
if jupiter were hallow around 11 earths could fit in jupiter
1300 earth can fit in it
The Milky Way Galaxy is a member of the Local Group, a collection of galaxies that includes around 54 members. Within the Local Group, the Milky Way is one of the largest galaxies and is gravitationally bound to other galaxies such as Andromeda.