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you have to buy IRDA Wireless Connection Adapter(USB Adapter).

1. you should Plug & install the Driver of IRDA Adapter to Computer. 2. IF you have CD of software that which cell your are using (Sony T310, Nokia 6610) You should install that also to computer. 3. Enable your IRDA port in your cell phone.4. Keep your cell phone near IRDA adapter face to face in which your cell phone contains that IRDA port. 5. Then the System will detects the cell phone in your system.6. open the software of the cell phone which is installed in your system. You should select send files in that software, transfer the jpg. image to your cell.7. in your cell phone you should press O.K. or Yes to receive the image.8. Then You'll receive the Image.

To send the image from cell phone to computer:

You should open the image & select the send option 'send over infrared'.

after sending you will receive it on recived folder in your system in which drive software installed.

you should do all these steps Keeping the IRDA Adapter & IRDA port in cell phone face to face.


ManuNETPOINTMandya- 571401, Karnataka, India.Ph: 9343230522

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Send a picture message to your email.

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I'm not entirely sure what you are asking. Are you asking if you can send pictures you take on a sprint cell phone through your email? If so then yes you can. Any cell phone that has email capability will allow you to email pictures you have taken on the phone.

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First print the web camera photo, then go to "fotofriend" then take a picture of the printed web camera photo, then once you've taken the picture, click edit photo, edit what you want edited, then save the edited picture. Next take a picture of the edited picture on your computer with another cell phone, next when you text whomever you want to send the picture to, attatch the picture to your text! See related links.

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in a picture message, attach the picture and then where it says who to send it to put the email address you need to send it to

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Stand in front of the mirror.Holding the phone,take a picture of yourself holding the phone. Take another phone and take a picture of the phone.Afterwards,send the picture from the other phone to the phone.