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It depends on the display technology and the length of time a static image is displayed on the screen.

The problem affects plasma displays as well as older CRT models. High brightness images on these screens can cause the phosphors that generate the visible image to reduce their intensity after a long period. The brighter the image, the more the phosphor will be "burnt", resulting in a ghost image that tends to be permanent. once it has appeared.

The worst kind of image to leave on a screen for long periods tend to be high contrast graphics with hard edges as these will become visible as ghost images sooner than low contrast images with softer edges. It is worth reading the manual to follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

LCD based screens to not have the same problem.

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Q: Does pausing a TV cause burn on the screen?
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That is a result of you leaving the game on without playing it. The still image of the paused game has caused the image to be burnt into the glass. Never leave your game system on while nothing is moving. This is the cause of your problem. Ways to prevent this problem * Turn off your game system when you arn't playing it. * Change the channel. (The television won't be showing a still image) * Turn on the "Screen Burn-In Reduction" option. (Wii options-Wii Settings-Screen-Screen Burn-in-Reduction-On) This will dim the screen if no buttons are pressed or if the remote is not shooken in a set amount of time and will turn off when a button is pressed or if you shake the remote. The lights in the tv will be dimmer and be less likely to burn your television screen. * Turn the television off when you leave the room. (Just don't forget that your Nintendo Wii is still running) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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That is cause by the speed of the camera recording and the refresh rate of the monitor or TV screen.

What causes a burn in on a plasma television?

If a plasma television is paused too long this can cause a burn. Other reasons are static images showing for too long, gaming and circuits that fail. If one watches a station like CNN for 24 hours, this can also cause a burn.

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On many older TVs, leaving a single image on the screen for too long will result in "burn-in" in which the picture is literally etched into the screen. Newer sets are specially designed to prevent this. Leaving a video game on pause while you go out for dinner (and forgetting to turn off the tube) may very well cause this. Unfortunately, several parents don't realize that screens have improved, so as a result, for fear of screen burn-in, these parents won't let their kids play Nintendo on that brand-new high-definition TV in the den. Instead they're stuck with the boring old black-and-white TV with a screen so tiny you have to squint just to see which way Mario's facing. The truth is, the new TV is actually more resistant to burn-in than the old one. Moral: Always turn off your TV when you're not using it!

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Why use screensaver for monitor not for tv screen?

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looks like a problem i cant fix