Brent Book Rivera is professionaly known as Brent Rivera he is a TikTok and YouTube star his girlfriend Pierson got saved by him when a earthquake got Pierson stuck underground so Brent rescuers her thanks to that they are getting married
Brent Rivera is a/an YouTuber actor
Brent Rivera is of Mexican descent.
Brent Rivera was born on January 9, 1998
Brent Rivera is 19 years old (birthdate January 9, 1998).
January 9th, 1998
it is 07654432835
According to what he said on his Ask Fm account he does not have a Snapchat. If there is a Snapchat account that says it is him, it is a fake account and is not actually Brent Rivera.
blue or red
Jose Rizal's first girlfriend is Leonor Rivera.
Brent Rivera does not have a public, official fan number at this time. You can follow him on his YouTube account (MrBrent98) or on his other social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Vine.