No you'll have to renew your membership in order to get your items back.
When your membership expires, Club Penguin lets you keep your puffles. That is like the ONLY thing they let you keep when your membership expires.
Club Penguin is not to programmed to remove that in the 30 day period.
yes and if you re-new your member ship you keep all the stuff you had before
Yes there is.It allows you to be a member for one month then expires.
If you buy a member puffle and your membership expires, your puffles remain with you. Puffles and club penguin stamps are the only member items that remain with you when your membership expires. But as you know, if your puffle is equipped and you log off, you will not see the puffle equipped when you log on again. It will still be in your igloo though. So if you want to save your puffles from being taken away with your membership, you need not equip them.
Create a new penguin or cancel your membership. Otherwise if you got the twelve month plan you can wait until it expires. Also if you got a recurring membership and you cancel your membership it will keep your membership until it would be time to pay again I think!
no you don't but it is not as fun
yes its happened to me
the member clothes come off, and you can not wear them until you renew your membership
If you somehow delete your membership or it expires then your bought clothes will still be in your inventory but they will be faded out so you can't use them. The only way to use them is to buy another membership. However, you can get some exclusive items by buying a Club Penguin toy and entering the toy code.
you have to buy the membership