

Best Answer

We know the formula


G2=B2 XOR B3

G1=B1 XOR B2

G0=B0 XOR B1

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Istaranjan Kanungo

Lvl 3
2y ago
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Q: How do you convert binary to gray code using labview?
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You can easily convert decimal to binary in the scientific calculator - for example, the scientific calculator found in Windows. In this case, type the number in decimal, then click on "binary" to convert to binary.

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How do you you write know in binary code?

k n o w ? First convert it to ASCII code ... 107 110 111 119 (all decimal numbers) Then convert to binary : 1101011 1101110 1101111 1110111

How do you convert n-bits binary to gray code?

The best way is with a lookup table.

How do you convert A B C in binary code?

A = 1010 b = 1011 c = 1100

What are the numbers to the letters and etc before you convert them into binary code?

They are all numbers of zero and ones

How do you convert text into binary in vb or c sharp code?

C# EXAMPLEString text="My sample data";System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encode=new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();//convert to binary and store in a byte[]byte[] binaryArray=encode.GetBytes(text);

How can you write a program to convert binary code to gray code using 8085 microprocessor?

It can be implemented very easily .... Suppose the Binary word is X7X6X5.... X0 then the corresponding Gray code is G7G6G5....G0 where G7=X7 G6=X7 XOR X6 G5=X6 XOR X5 ..... G0=X1 XOR X0 Now implement the above algorithm

What is the binary code for 01001011?

That IS the binary code.

What is sub VI in labview programming?

It is similar to a function in other languages. It allows you to create your own "block" which can be used to reuse code and organise code.