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When they exceed the ball at the feet of the opposing players of the other team.

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When stepped ahead of the ball with either foot at the side the ball is thrown in.

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Q: When is the non-throwing scrum half offside when the ball is in a scrum?
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Were is the off side line in rugby when a player is tackled also if the player laid with his or her arms reached out towards their scrum half.?

In the tackle scenarion. When a ruck, maul, scrum or lineout forms, a player who is offside and is retiring as required by Law remains offside even when the opposing team wins possession and the ruck, maul, scrum or lineout has ended. The player is put onside by retiring behind the applicable offside line. No other action of the offside player and no action of that player's team mates can put the offside player onside. If the player remains offside the player can be put onside only by the action of the opposing team. There are two such actions: An Opponent runs 5 metres with ball. When an opponent carrying the ball has run 5 metres, the offside player is put onside. An offside player is not put onside when an opponent passes the ball. Even if the opponents pass the ball several times, their action does not put the offside player onside. An Opponent kicks. When an opponent kicks the ball, the offside player is put onside. Related links will take you to the IRB rules covering the range of offside and on side regulations

What is the off side in rugby?

Offside is a very difficult rule in rugby union as it is changing constantly in play and both sets of players (Team in possession and the team defending) can be offside. To make it easier, i will use examples (during which Team 1 will always be in possession and Team 2 will be defending). Also, during all of this, the player is only offside if the player is active (ie. interfering in any way with any player or the ball) 1st, a player from team1 is offside is he is in front of the ball. The only exception to this rule is if the team1 kicks the ball and that player retreats. If he procedes to chase the ball he is offside. As soon as the kicker is in front of him, he is back onside. A player from team2 cannot be offside if the ball is in open play. 2nd, If a ruck or maul forms or it is a scrum, a player from team2 is offside is he is further forward that than the ruck, maul or scrum. A player from team 1 is offside is he is further forward that the ball (but only if he is not part of the ruck, maul or scrum). 3rd In the case of a throw-in, an imaginary line goes across the pitch from where the throw is taken from. All players in the line out must be 1m away from that line, on there own side and cannot cross that line until one team has the ball secured (a lineout usually has 7 players per team and that includes the scrum half who stands just beside the line out to receive the ball if whoever catches the ball decides to pass the ball out of the lineout). Any player who is not part of the lineout must be 10 metres away and cannot interfere with play until the ball has been secured and has passed out of the lineout. Finally, an execption to a player on team1 if the ball is kicked from a restart. If the player is in front of the kicker but still inside the deadball area, when the ball is kicked, then he is still onside.

Can you be offsides on your own half of the field?

No. Merely returning to an onside position is not enough. Once a player is determined to be offside two things must happen to fix it: 1. That player must get back to an onside position ...and... 2. a team-mate must touch the ball, an opponent must control the ball, or the ball must leave play.

What is an acting scrum-half?

An acting scrum-half is a rugby player who temporarily acts as the scrum-half, due to the regular scrum-half's unavailability, due to injury or sin-binning.

If 2 people are on a breakaway in soccer and one passes is it offsides?

If the player receiving the ball is behind, or level with, the penultimate (second from last) defender when the ball is played, there is no offside. If the player receiving the ball is behind, or level with, the ball at the moment is is played, there is also no offside infraction. But, if the player receiving the ball is ahead of both the ball and the penultimate defender, and is not on his own half of the field, then the offside infraction must be enforced.

What position does number eight play in rugby?

The number 8's task in Rugby Union is; In the scrum - bind on the 2 second rows and push them to support the drive forward, to take channel one ball from the hooker and hold or release to the scum half On breaking from the scum carry the ball and if in a push over try situation actually ground the ball once its at their feet. To attack the opposing flyhalf as a ball carrier (this is usually the weak point). To protect their own scrum half when they collect the ball at the base of the scrum. To retain the ball when a scrum is successfully pushed forward therefore gaining ground. To act as a ball carrier in all phases - tackle in defense Normally a line out jumper and used to "clean up" loose ball at the back of the lineout. Is one of the potential target receivers from kick off Is one of main receivers from opposing teams kick off In Rugby League the number 8 is the equivalent of a prop (RU No 1)

What is a scrum-half?

in rugby union the scrum half is the one who passes out of the back of the scrum and rucks and mauls. they can pass the ball very long distances and are usually quite small. to be honest i dont really know as i am a prop so this is a general description. feel free to change this answer(i'm sure you were going to anyway)

How do you set up a rugby scrum?

You have 3 people per front the one in the middle is the hooker( no they are not sleeping around), and two props. These are usually the biggest guys who do not do a lot of running but still should be fit. then we have 4 usually larger people with a lot of strength the other two go on the outside. of the props and in between the next row. There face should be on the props butt. Then there are two strong guys who usually are larger. then we have the heavy duty made in the back. it works the same for both teams. Then it is the same for both sides. The players will have to be bonded together. the ref will call crouch touch pause engage and then the scrum half will feed the ball to the middle but as close to his team as possible without having to get penaltize. The apposing scrum half will try to tackle 1st scrum half as soon as the touch the ball if apposing scrum half touches the 1st scrum half before he or she touches the ball it is a penalty.

What is the role of a dummy half in touch rugby?

The hooker probably makes more contact with the ball than any other player on the field. They often are the players who act as the dummy half after a play the ball, swinging the passes out or breaking down the opposition's defense. As the centre of the scrum, the hooker is the player whose job it is to win the ball from the scrum-half's feed. Then, on top of that, they are expected to make plenty of tackles when they matter.

Which side do you feed a rugby scrum?

you feed from the left of the team that the scrum is awarded i should know i am a scrum half

What is the flankers job and running lines out of the scrum?

The openside flanker has to mark the oppositions out half and scrumhalf (no 9 and 10) off a scrum. The blindside flanker joins at rucks and the breakdown and guards the blindside of the scrum. They both push in the scrum and as they are the fastest of the forwards they are usually the first people to charge into a ruck and gain or keep posession of the ball. By running lines out of the scrum I think you mean carrying the ball and running around and through opposition players, this is more usual for the number 8 out of a scum.

Who puts the ball into a scrum in rugby?

This is a Scrum or Scrummage. The scrum half (number nine in Union) throws the ball in to the tunnel formed by the two front rows. To do this the Scrum Half stands adjacent to their open side prop forward. This is the one who has one side of his head (the left side) not in contact with the opposing prop forward. The ball must pass the feet of the open side prop before the ball can be hooked back by a front row player. No hand may touch the ball . The 2 sides endeavour to push the other off the ball so that they can win possession To learn more about rugby rules look on the IRB website - it has a wealth of information.