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Q: What is the correct air pressure in a netball ball?
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Does air pressure effect the distance a soccer ball travels?

Yes, air pressure can affect the distance a soccer ball travels. Higher air pressure inside the ball can lead to a more lively bounce and a longer kick, while lower air pressure can result in a softer kick and shorter distance traveled. It is important to maintain the correct air pressure according to the manufacturer's recommendations for optimal performance.

What is the correct air pressure for a size 5 soccer ball?

I'm a fifa qualified referee. the correct pressure for a soccer ball is 0.6 to 1.1 atmospherical. To fimd out if the ball is the right pressure you must have a pressure guage and that will measure the pressure for you.

What is the regular air pressure in basketball?

The regular air pressure in a basketball is typically between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch (psi). It is important to maintain the correct air pressure for optimal performance and bounce of the ball.

Why does air pressure change the bounciness of the ball?

Air pressure changes the bounce of a ball because it affects the elasticity of the air inside the ball. Higher air pressure increases the elasticity, making the ball bounce higher, while lower air pressure decreases the elasticity, resulting in lower bounces.

How does air pressure affect how a ball bounces?

Air doesn't effect the bounce of the ball much higher air pressure the harder the ball lower pressure softer the ball temp effects it too colder soft warmer harder

What is a reply ball for netball?

Netball uses a size 5 ball. Size 5 is the standard size netball and is used in all netball matches. Netballs also come in all different brands some brands are better than others but it doesn't really matter what band you get, the only advantage of getting better brands is your ball will last longer and it will be better quality.

How does air pressure affect bounce height?

Air pressure affects the bounce height of a ball by impacting the amount of air inside the ball. Higher air pressure results in a greater internal pressure in the ball, leading to a higher bounce height. Conversely, lower air pressure reduces the internal pressure and leads to a lower bounce height.

What effect does air pressure have on a bounce of a ball?

Air pressure affects the bounce of a ball by impacting the amount of force exerted on the ball's surface. Higher air pressure inside a ball will result in a greater rebound force when the ball hits a surface, leading to a higher bounce. Conversely, lower air pressure will result in a softer bounce.

What are the benefits of maintaining correct air pressure in the tires?

What advantages if correct air pressure is maintained in tyres of bikes and cars.

Which property of air keeps a beach ball inflated?

Air pressure is the property that keeps a beach ball inflated. The air molecules inside the beach ball exert pressure on the walls of the ball, keeping it inflated.

How do you start the game of netball?

you stand by your opponent and the referee throws the ball in the air and who ever gets it can run to their net

Does air pressure inside a soccer ball effect it's bounce?

Yes, the air pressure inside a soccer ball affects its bounce. An underinflated ball will have a lower bounce as there is less air pressure pushing against the ground to propel it back up. Conversely, an overinflated ball will have a higher bounce due to the increased air pressure inside.