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Q: What is a slang word for basketball court?
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Is cookies a slang word for stolen basketball?

yes it is a slang word for a stolen basketball

What is slang word for basketball?

The rock as in, "pass me the rock."

Spanish word for basketball court?

arena de baloncesto

How do you spell got cort?

The slang phrase is "Got court?" (refers to basketball or other sport where the field is called a court).the similarly-spelled term is go kart (motorized carts).

Is it a basketball court or a basketball pitch?

The correct name for it is A basketball court.

What is a dime in basketball?

Yes, a dime is a slang term for an assist in basketball.

What is a slang word for a basketball player?

athlete slang is jargon, if that's what you are asking

What do you call where you play basketball?

Basketball players.

What d word suggest bouncing a basketball as you move around the court?

double bounce

What is basketball field called?

A common name for a basketball ground would be a basketball court.

Did they have famous football basketball on the titanic?

No the titanic did not have a basketball court haha

What do you play basketball on?

a basketball court