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x factor.....u tit

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Q: What does forearms crossed in an X mean?
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Related questions

Does biantibrachial mean two forearms in Greek and Latin?

It is correct to say biantibrachial mean two forearms in Greek and Latin.

What does it mean when your forearms go numb?

You're dying.

What does biantibrachial mean?

Biantibrachial means having two forearms on each arm (i.e. some aliens or monsters have two forearms on each arm).

How many bones in forearms?

There are 3 bones in forearms

How can you get your forearms bigger?

The forearms of my boyfriend are huge. His advice is to squeeze tennis balls.

What is plassing in volleyball?

I think you mean "passing"? Passing is the same as 'bumping', usually from the back row, with your forearms.

What does it mean if a child does not draw forearms and hands in a picture?

They can't draw hands. I wouldn't read anything more into it then that.

What is the slightly curved bone of the shorter and thicker forearms?

my daughter's (14 years) longer bone of the forearm is curved in the x-ray and she is in pain.

What does it mean whenever the ball is passed off the forearms with the hands and clasped together ans the forearms side by side in volleyball?

The official volleyball term for this would be a bump. But it is referred to most commonly as a bump. This is the first mvoe made when in serve recieve.

What does 187 mean with it crossed out?

It means that nikka is dead

What does a tattoo of crossed battle axes mean?


Are there tendons in forearms?
