No particular team player is responsible for the toss, but the captain of the netball team
I have been told that in an average game a centre runs for an average of 5miles in an hour long game so i imagine a wing player would cover about 3 1/2 miles =)
they can't go into the goal circles
The average rugby union forward runs 4 - 5 miles per game with backs running 6 - 7 miles per game
The average AFL follower runs about 15 or 16 Km's a game
Yes, Netball is a team game.
Contact is where you push or shove a player and they fall or stumble
Centre's can run everywhere apart from in the shooting circle
Fast-netball is actually referred to as Fast-Net. This is a faster and simpler version of the original game. The coach can call off a player and switch postions during the game instead of during breaks. This type of netball came about in around 2007.
Between 6-7 miles for Professional midfield players.
irene van dyk
You have to tell them what every players job is and what their job is. That makes a game really smooth.