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BECAUSE, he is a well respected player he also has done many things for the community and has helped many people in his life time. on opinion from every one is he is a good ball player but he is more than that.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

He is inspiring by being the best Basketball player in the world. And he showed us not to quit Basketball, like how he quit basketball and showed up again. But he quit the second time because maybe of his age.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

he is brave because he needs to go to front of thousands of people

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

helped other

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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Q: Why is Michael Jordan brave?
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Why was Michael Jordan brave?

For instance, Michael Jordan was successful in many ways. Michael Jordan achieved his goal, to be the best basketball player to ever play the game. He won 38 NBA titles and 6 NBA championships. He inspired others to get out of the box and play basketball. Not only that, but he gave people an awesome role model because his work ethic and fearlessness drove him to greatness on and off the court, making him one of the greatest role models of all time. Michael Jordan was brave to play in the NBA.

When was Michael the Brave born?

Michael the Brave was born in 1558.

When did Michael the Brave die?

Order of Michael the Brave was created in 1916.

What is Micheal Jordan full name?

Michael Jeffrey Jordan

When was Michael the Brave - film - created?

Michael the Brave - film - was created in 1971.

Who is richer Michael Jordan or Pele?

Michael Jordan

What is Michael Jordan's cologne called?

Michael Jordan

Is Michael Jordan on 2k9?

no. Michael Jordan is on 2k3

Who has been to more winning playoff games Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant?

Michael Jordan's career field goal percentage is .497 and Kobe Bryant's is .455 .

Who is number 23 on the Chicago Bulls?

The legend of Michael Jordan. Michael Jordan was number 23.

What is the duration of Michael the Brave film?

The duration of Michael the Brave - film - is 3.38 hours.