President emily dodson de leon is the president of the university of manila.
Dr. Apolinario delos Santos Dr. Mariano delos Santos Mrs. Helen delos Santos Dr. Virgilio delos Santos Dr. Emily Dodson de leon
Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon
balboa, ponce de leon, and cabrillo
Ponce de Leon Ponce de Leon
Amanda de Leon has written: 'Amanda de Leon'
Gerardo de Leon went by Manong de Leon.
Emily Biggs
No, Leon is currently dating Emily Biggs from the girlband Hope
Juan Ponce de Leon was the first Spaniard to reach Florida in 1513.
No Ponce De Leon did not build anything on St. Augustine because he was looking for the Fountain Of Youth so he could tell all his fellow mates, but they ended up dying of disease. I know because my name is Emily De Leon. I am the great great great great great great granddaughter of Ponce De Leon. He was a very good man. But he cheated his death. I know. Just ask me when you get a chance.
Lope Ponce de Leon(dad) and Catalina de Leon(mom)
Blue de Leon's birth name is Blue de Leon Bugayong.