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Q: Who helped a kind of band My work improved your play I helped put the bounce in Michael Jordan's game I may not have been skinny but I wasn't a blimp?
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What product does nike sell and how much do they sell them for?

They sell Jordans from about $100.00-$350.00. Hope I Helped! Jordans -The shoe.

What are synonyms of boomerang?

rebound, return, come back, ricochet, bounce backHOPE I HELPED!

How are crop plants improved by scientests?

Scientists have helped with the advancements of plant breeding. They have helped isolate the desirable crop traits to improve plants. Genetically modified crops have improved nutrition and shelf life.

Who helped Michael Jackson get famous?

his dad

What community service Michael Vick did?

He has helped out

Do all balls bounce and why?

All balls will bounce based on the surface you bounce it on. Even a bowling ball will bounce at least a centimeter or half a centimeter even though it is hard to determine whether it is getting off the ground or not. Of course it wont bounce if you bounce it on something soft and break through, but it will bounce on a hard cement floor. It will bounce because it will have potential energy weighing it down and if the floor is harder than the ball, the ball will move off like opposite sides of a magnet. but only for a while until our gravity pulls it down and stops it. Hope that helped.

Who is Allison Jordan?

Allison Jordan, what don't you understand? haha She helped create the most popular shoes, called Jordans...durrrh :P Trinn <3

What helped explain the trend in life expectancy in America?

Health care technology has improved.

How has coke helped or improved your world?

Coke makes me feel better when I have a stomach ache.

Improved machinery helped british farmers increase food production in the 1700s?


What was the motto Michael Jordans mother had for him to live by?

"Let kids be kids" "Live your life to the fullest" "God is guiding you" "Don't judge a person before you get to know them" These are all of which he said himself in an interview when a man asked him the same question. Hope this helped.

Can you bounce the ball in netball while playing the center pass?

The Bounce Pass in normally used to get round a defender. In our squad we only use the bounce pass to get around the taller defender. If you want you can use a bounce pass for the centre pass but its often better using a chest pass or a chest dummy pass/ ;) hope I helped babe :D