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a radio host criticizes the local mayor because he plans to run for mayor himself the following year

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Q: Which scenario is not an example of one of the primary motivations for bias in media coverage?
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What are among the primary motivations of an entrepreneur?

Among the primary motivations for an entrepreneur is wanting to create wealth and own their own business. Satisfaction of seeing their vision become a reality is another motivation for entrepreneurs.

What is a primary policy?

The concept of a "primary policy" can best be understood when there exist two or more insurance policies that arguably provide coverage for the same occurrence. The "primary insurance" is the policy that is first responsible for the payment of claims. A good example might be when a state requires that the owner of a motor vehicle to maintain what of often called "personal injury protection coverage" (a/k/a "no fault coverage"). That type of insurance pays a percentage of the injured insured's medical expenses and/or lost wages regardless of fault for the collision. If the injured insured also has major medical or hospitalization insurance, a primary/secondary insurance scenario develops. State statutory law or interpretative case law will dictate which is primary and which is secondary, but typically, the coverage specific to the occurrence (e.g. the auto-related insurance) will be primary until benefits are exhausted. Primary/secondary insurance situations may also develop when insurance is required to be maintained by the terms of a contract between two or more parties. Often, the contract specifies which (or whose) insurance will be primary.

What is the definition of primary coverage in regard to automobile insurance?

Basic coverage.

What is the primary reason employers purchase insurance plans to provide health coverage?

With spiraling medical costs, the employees without health insurance coverage will be in total jeopardy. As a result, they will absent from their duties frequently and their working strength will gradually reduce to a low ebb. Considering the above scenario, the employers deems it essential to purchase insurance plans for their employees' health coverage.

Which would be primary for my husband as I am working with Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage for both.?

You would each be primary on your own coverage and secondary on your spouse's.

What is meant by primary and secondary insurance coverage?

Primary insurance coverage is what is first used when a medical service is being rendered. This is what will be billed first. Secondary insurance is supposed to cover what the primary insurance does not.

How is a theft of a vehicle work when there are two insurance policies?

The policy with the broadest scope of coverage is primary. The other policy with less coverage would be considered secondary and does not invoke until or unless the coverage from the primary policy is exhausted.

If a patient has Medicaid coverage benefits and other health insurance coverage Medicaid would be primary or secondary?


Is a primary source never bias?

No, primary sources can still have bias due to the perspective or motivations of the creator. It is important to critically evaluate primary sources for any biases that may influence the information presented.

If primary insurance denies coverage and you have secondary who is responsible to pay the bill?

== == If secondary insurance denies coverage, YOU get to pay the bill. == ==

Does primary insurance cover a crime policy?

The question is unclear as posed. A "crime policy" is one that is intended to cover an organization for a stated range of risks and losses. The term "primary policy" is generally used to descrive a basic, underlying layer of coverage of some type. Therefore, there can exist a "primary" layer of crime coverage, on top of which can be additional ("excess") coverage that raises the coverage limits and affords greater coverage. Therefore, they are really two different things.

When you have Medicare Part A Insurance and Supplemental coverage which is primary insurer?
