Cobb's statistics have been debated and disputed in recent years. Both and, for instance, credit him with a .366 career average (4,189 hits in 11,434 at bats). Major League Baseball (at lists his average as .367 (4,191 hits in 11,429 at bats).
Ty Cobb had a lifetime batting average of .366
Ty Cobb with a .366 batting average
Ty cobb has the highest career batting average at .366
Ty Cobb
Ty Cobb's .367 lifetime batting average.
Ty Cobb batted .367 for his career. That is the highest career batting average in major league baseball history.
Ty Cobb with a .366 lifetime average. The single season leader is Hugh Duffy at .4397 in 1894.
Ty Cobb's real name was Tyrus Raymond Cobb.
Ty Coob's highest batting average was .420 in 1911
the tigers
charlie lombard and and Frances cass