Lou Gehrig had a .361 average with 119 World Series at bats.
Tony Armas of the Red Sox had the lowest batting average for an RBI leader. He had 107 RBIs and a .218 batting average.
Stan Musial had a career low of .255 batting average in the 1963 season.
At the start of a season with no at bats a player does not have an average. If after 1 at bat he does not get a hit the avearge is .000 if he gets a hit 1.000 You need at least 1 at bat to have an average.
Cal Ripken Jr. - 3,184 career base hits in a 21 season career (1981-2001) with a .276 lifetime batting average, the lowest of any current member of the 3,000 Hit Club.
Ty Cobb's lowest full season batting average was .324 in 1908. The 21 year old's average was still good enough for his second straight batting title. He also led the league for the second straight time in RBI (108), hits (188), slugging (.475), and OPS (.842). He also led the league in doubles (36) and triples (20).
There is a similar sounding trick question: On which baseball team did all the players have the same batting average as each other, both before and after the game? The answer to that is the Chicago White Sox on April 16, 1940, when Bob Feller threw his opening day no-hitter. All the players had a batting average of .000 both before and after the game. (Some will argue that technically the batting averages before the game was undefined (0 divided by 0) but standard baseball scoring shows a batting average of .000 in such a case.
Corky Miller, 2004 CIN, .026 - 1 hit in 39 at bats
david ortiz hit 0.91 at the begining of the 2008 season for the red sox but know he's batting 2.85. that's all i know
Through 2009, Derek Jeter has a .313 post season batting average.
Thousands of batters have gone a whole season with at least one hitless at-bat. The most plate appearances in a season with no hits is held by pitcher Bob Buhl, who went 0-for-70 in 1962. The lowest nonzero batting average in a season is .016, held by Brewers left-hander Doug Davis, who went 1-for-64 in 2004. By a nonpitcher: Yankees' CF Skeeter Shelton went 1-for-40 in 1915 for a .025 batting average. Lowest Batting average in a season with at least: 100 PA: Dean Chance, P, 1967, Minnesota Twins, .033 200 PA: Frank O'Rourke, 3B, 1912. Boston Braves, .122 300 PA: Bill Bergen, C, 1909, Brooklyn Dodgers, .139 400 PA: Dal Maxvill, SS, 1969, St. Louis Cardinals, .175 500 PA: Rob Deer, RF, 1991, Detroit Tigers, .179
Through the 2008 season, of the players that hit 400 or more home runs in their career, the lowest batting average is .236 by Dave Kingman who played 16 seasons with the Giants, Mets, Padres, Angels, Yankees, Cubs, and Athletics. Kingman ended his career with 442 HRs.
In MLB, that was Ty Cobb for 23 seasons (1906-1928). His lowest batting average for a season during that time frame was .316.