George Brett wound up with a career batting average of .305 on 3,154 base hits in 10,349 official at bats.
George Brett has a career batting average on the road of .290
Sisler's lifetime average was .340 over a career that spanned 1915-1930.
.390 in 1980
Bill Madlock won the 1976 National League Batting title with a .339 batting average, and George Brett won the 1976 American League batting title with a .333 batting Average.
In 1948, the A.L. Batting Champion was Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox, with a .369 average. The N.L. Batting Champion was Stan Musial of the St. Louis Cardinals with a .376 average. In 1949, George Kell of the Detroit Tigers won the A.L. Batting Title with a .343 average.
George Brett hit .390 in 1980 to lead the Major Leagues.
In 1912, George Batten played in 1 games, batting in all of them. He had 3 at bats, getting 0 hits, for a .000 batting average, with 0 runs batted in. He was walked 0 times. He struck out times.
In 1907, George Craig played in 2 games, batting in all of them. He had 1 at bats, getting 0 hits, for a .000 batting average, with 0 runs batted in. He was walked 0 times. He struck out times.
In 1911, George Curry played in 3 games, batting in all of them. He had 5 at bats, getting 0 hits, for a .000 batting average, with 0 runs batted in. He was walked 0 times. He struck out times.
In 1888, George Bradley played in 1 games, batting in all of them. He had 3 at bats, getting 0 hits, for a .000 batting average, with 0 runs batted in. He was walked 0 times. He struck out times.
Hall of Famer George Brett of the Kansas City Royals won the American League batting title in 1976, 1980, and 1990. He's the only player in baseball history to win the batting title in three differnt decades.
In 1973, George Culver played in 28 games, batting in all of them. He had 4 at bats, getting 0 hits, for a .000 batting average, with 0 runs batted in. He was walked 0 times. He struck out 1 times.